Who is SDM Jyoti Maurya do?

Who is SDM Jyoti Maurya ?

Juoti Maurya is a Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) who allegedly left her husband, Alok. after becoming a civil servant in Uttar Pradesh, triggering the “Jyoti Maurya Bewafaa Hai” and trouble for some married women who aspire to have a better life.

SDM Jyoti maurya biiography in controversy husband family story ?

Jyoti Maurya a Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) in Uttar Pradesh, has bee the center of a national controversy that has sparked heated debates on social media. The saga began when her of husband, Alok Maurya, accused her of leaving him after she Became on SDM. Alok, a Class-4 employee, claimed that he had funded Jyoti’s studies and even took a loan to help hear achieve her dream of becoming a state government officer.

The controversy took a turn when Alok accused Juoti of having an extramarital affair with Manish Dubey , a Home Guard Commandant in Ghaziabad. he alleged that he had evidence of their intimacy including WhatsApp chat messages and a diary documenting bribes Jyoti and Manish conspired to Kill hinm.

In response to these allegations, Jyoti maintained her innocence and stated that she would address them in court. She retaliated by fillng on FIR against her husband and his family members for harassment related to dowry. Amidst these allegations , there were rumors of Jyoti’s suspension from her post, but this information could not be verified.

The story of Jyoti Maurya has divided public opinion. Some sympathize with Alok accusing Jyoti of being unfaithful to her husband who had supported her dreams. Others argue that this reaction in indicative of a misogynistic mindset, asserting that a woman has the right to educations and the freedom to make her own choides.

The controversy surrounding Jyoti Maurya continued to unfold, with new developments such as a viral video allegedly featuring Jyoti using constieist slurs against ger husband. Jyoti has denied the authenticity of the video. and its legitimacy is currenty being investigatad by the police. As of July 8th, 2023 the cose remains unresolved

Is SDM Jyoti Maurya suspended ?

She has been suspended from her position by Yogi Adityanath


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